
Showing posts from 2010

December 16, 2010

Gosh I don't even remember the last time I wrote in here. It has been ages. I guess that means I have to come up with something to talk about since this is my blog right ha ha. Well lets see where to start? Well to start off I do have my CNA now. So I am officially certified and I love it. I am still looking for jobs so guys keep your ears open for me will ya? I was so happy when I finally got it. I can't tell you how great it felt. Unfortunately I was unable to pass the test to get into Ameritech, so I won't be starting January like I had hoped. I called mom and dad crying and you know my dad gave me one of the best pep talks I ever remember having. He told me that the test does not break or make me who I am. Its just a silly stupid test. That the CNA thing was a good move for my family. It makes me proud to know that i am still doing such a good job with my family you know. Oh and mom got an accounting job, so I had to leave cashiering and I now work in the bakery as a ca

September 15

September 15, 2010 So I must say I am glad that everyone is reading my blog. Although if you are reading it please become a follower. I really like that my family is interested in me still. Ha ha. I guess my life really isn't that boring if I am on the Internet. Work is going pretty good. Life has been crazy busy though. Sometimes I feel like I hardly get any time to my self these days. Yet I whine because Chris and I hardly have time together. And we live together. Wow listen to me I am such a whiner lol. Some days I sound horribly pathetic, but you know I still have people that love me although I am not so sure as to why. In the words of my son I guess mommy just special ha ha. You know my son is my whole world and the things he says to me some days are just kill me really. Another one of my favorites is "Mommy how you work day?" So now mommy says "Carter how you school day?" Makes you miss the show kids say the darn est things. I know I miss that show. I on

October 5

October 5, 2010           Okay so no one yell at me, I know I have been slacking off lately. Chris is not here to be on the computer lol. So lets recap on what's going on.So carter's birthday is coming up next Friday October 15th. We booked a party for him a Jungle Jim's play land. I am his mom and I am so excited about it. I am pretty sure that my customers are getting sick of hearing about it now. Ha ha. Oh well. So I feel kinda bad about some events that have happened recently. If you  know me very well then all of you know about Austin and I think I wrote about him previously. Well I feel kinda bad because I was yelling at my mom, because of him. He never hangs out with me he hangs out with my mom. It's really pissing me off and then he has the nerve to call me his best friend. To be honest, I don't even know who he is anymore. I told my mom I didn't want him around anymore, but it's mostly because he comes and goes all the time. He only has about ano

September 22

September 22, 2010       I know I need to write more I am sorry guys. A few days ago part of me died. I know it sounds crazy, but it did. I never thought some things would be so hard and you know I try so hard to keep a brave face on. It's difficult, but you know it's OK. I closed the door and a new one opened. A new opportunity for my son and I. I closed the door on my apartment and moved in with Chris's mom. That night was severely emotional for me. I cried when we went to drop off the keys. It was a good cry yes, but a cry none the less. It was the first place we had together and everything. We had done something on our own and that was what mattered. In our new place my son will have his own room as soon as we start renovating up some more. I feel like things are going to get better. Less bills to pay and more money. Hell maybe I will finally be able to get my tattoo now. Ha ha. Our relationship is getting stronger. Oh wait you will never believe this okay. So I was t

September 13

September 13, 2010            So today is Tuesday and I am just sitting here at 11:51 pm watching a movie called boat trip. I have know idea what it is about Chris is watching it and I am sitting here next to him watching what parts of it I really want to pay attention too. Ha ha. So I have done my first CNA class and I am glad to know that it's not that hard. Okay so it will be, but I think I can do it. I have done all my home work already and my next class is this next coming Saturday. The next class that I will be scared for is the clinicals. I am really scared for that one. I will be doing it at a real hospital and working with real patients too. I hope that I can do it everyone cross their fingers for me and wish me luck. So I am still working on Carters birthday and my six month with Chris is coming up too. Things have been really good so far. Financially things are getting better for us and the fighting as toned down a lot so I am thinking that my life is only going to get

september 6

September 6, 2010              So I suppose things are going good still. I am blogging during the day which is new for me. My son makes me laugh so hard and right now is on is second bowl of cereal. Man that boy can eat. Ha Ha. He is not even 3 yet and he is eating me out of house and home. I am proud though to be the mother of a healthy baby. I am so nervous his birthday is next month and I have no idea what I am doing for it. I am trying to look up Chuck E Cheese, but that is not going very well for me. I am trying to get my stuff moved out from my apartment although I am going to miss it. I am moving back in with Chris's mom so I can go back to school. I would go home to my parents, but they would need a guest house or something for me to stay in. The house is already crowded. So right now I am just sitting on the computer waiting for Carter to eat, so I can go get another load at the house. It's so funny I have brought more over then Chris has. If I had a trailer I would

september 4

September 4th, 2010          So things have been going great. There have been some difficulties, but you know every relationship has them. I have been trying to list my stuff on eBay and etsy, so look me up. I have even gone to listing twilight cards on eBay to bring in extra money. Do I sound desperate? I hope not. I mean I am just trying to bring in an extra some odd income to my family you know. Also tonight Carter, Chris and I went out to a very nice dinner at The Old spaghetti Factory. It was nice to be able to go to dinner with my men. I was very happy and so were they. Carter had to announce to our waitress that he farted. Cute huh. Not really. Wow kids do amaze you all the time. I was so embarrassed it was not funny. He thought it was. Yesterday we also went to a movie. It was nice to be able to do some fun things this weekend. We went and saw that vampires suck movie, that mocks Twilight. It was really interesting. I would have enjoyed it, if there was not so much vulgarity

Aug 23, 2010 Monday

August 23,2010         Sorry I have not written in a while. Chris's mom is out of town so we offered to house sit for the next 2 weeks. One reason I like it is because it's close to work so my gas lasts longer then what is usually does. I am hoping I don't tank out cuz it's so hard to live on your own. Although I am super excited for my new school. I will be attending Ameritech in Draper, Utah. I will have my nursing degree in about 15 to 18 months. Right now I am going out to get my CNA and I will be leaving Walmart in the next month or so to go work for the hospital. Ha ha. Don't tell Chris, but I will still make more then he does. I am proud one day he will be a culinary arts major and he will be owning his own catering business. Then maybe we won't be so tight. Well I would love to write more, but I need to get back to reality and not in fantasy ha ha. Enjoy life you guys I know I am.


Sunday, Aug 15, 2010          So I think my boyfriend would agree with me when I say I am completely addicted to this blogging now. I stay up late at night just so I can write to you guys. I think I am going to develop my own case of blogging insomnia ha ha. Now I sound like my friends who play games all night ha ha. So I need to be going to bed soon tho cuz I have to be up for work at 7:30 in the morning. Damn I am really crazy. ha ha. So all of what happened today was a real blur. I had a really short shift today and I can't wait to be off on Tuesday. I am hoping soon to be able to have another date with my boyfriend and hopefully do some traveling together around Christmas, but he doesn't know that yet. MM I am also getting a tattoo soon hopefully, but I kinda need money for that. I have 2 planned out. One is going to be Carter's hand prints on my left shoulder and have his name and birthday underneath and for my other one it's going to be a passion flower on my ri

saturday nite (day 2)

Saturday Aug 14, 2010        So it's a Saturday night and I am at home, because I got off work and I am too lazy or tired to go anywhere. I am trying to make sure I blog every night about whatever I can. Some people are to afraid to look, because of what I might say. I think what I would say would embarrass me first before anyone else. LOL. Not that it would really matter, but you know. I keep forgetting to write in my journal, but this way it's like an online one you know. And I am always on the computer anyway so might as well try it. Work kicked my butt today as always. They keep putting me on the sales floor, but I don't get paid any extra money for it. Wouldn't that be nice. I wish I had a day off that included money so I could actually do some bonding with my own family. I guess once you start working is when you lose all quality time. You know my son is almost 3 and I want to cry cuz I am always in school or work, but never home. It's a rather big pity. He

My first story

Friday Aug 13, 2010             So as you may know my name is Taisha and I am  20 yrs old. My boyfriend Chris has been with us for a total of 5 months now. I can't believe its really been that long. Part of me me wishes I knew where life was taking me and that I knew where I was going. Chris and Carter keep me strong and I know that when I come home things are going to be ok. The other part of me kinda wishes to be spontaneous you know to never know whats going to happen next. Things at home are kinda stressful. We have our own apt down in Murray. It's 2 bedrooms and sometimes extremely pricey. I feel like so many times I never have money and its so hard. I live on the edge and sometimes cry at night when I have to ask people to borrow money. I knew it would be hard but never expected it to be this hard. Maybe I am just a big baby. The one thing that hit me the most is Chris has this Ipod that he absolutely loves. It's his most prized possession. Well he bought me a reall