My first story

Friday Aug 13, 2010

            So as you may know my name is Taisha and I am  20 yrs old. My boyfriend Chris has been with us for a total of 5 months now. I can't believe its really been that long. Part of me me wishes I knew where life was taking me and that I knew where I was going. Chris and Carter keep me strong and I know that when I come home things are going to be ok. The other part of me kinda wishes to be spontaneous you know to never know whats going to happen next. Things at home are kinda stressful. We have our own apt down in Murray. It's 2 bedrooms and sometimes extremely pricey. I feel like so many times I never have money and its so hard. I live on the edge and sometimes cry at night when I have to ask people to borrow money. I knew it would be hard but never expected it to be this hard. Maybe I am just a big baby. The one thing that hit me the most is Chris has this Ipod that he absolutely loves. It's his most prized possession. Well he bought me a really beautiful necklace and we came up a little short for money. He wanted to pawn his Ipod for us so we could have money. It made me want to cry. He refused to give up the necklace, because he has not gotten me something for sometime and when he saw that I absolutely loved it he didn't want to take it back. I didn't know what to say I was practically speechless. I never thought I could have been taken care of by a man. I always thought it would have been me doing everything. I have noticed it's really nice to have a teem effort. Everything is our family this our family that. Its not just him or just me. It's all of us. I guess after 3 years of trying to do things with no companionship I just didn't think it could feel this good. Alright before I write you a novel I am signing out. Tomorrow starts another day another story.


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