September 22

September 22, 2010

      I know I need to write more I am sorry guys. A few days ago part of me died. I know it sounds crazy, but it did. I never thought some things would be so hard and you know I try so hard to keep a brave face on. It's difficult, but you know it's OK. I closed the door and a new one opened. A new opportunity for my son and I. I closed the door on my apartment and moved in with Chris's mom. That night was severely emotional for me. I cried when we went to drop off the keys. It was a good cry yes, but a cry none the less. It was the first place we had together and everything. We had done something on our own and that was what mattered. In our new place my son will have his own room as soon as we start renovating up some more. I feel like things are going to get better. Less bills to pay and more money. Hell maybe I will finally be able to get my tattoo now. Ha ha. Our relationship is getting stronger. Oh wait you will never believe this okay. So I was talking to Chris about going over to my mom's when he suggested they come over for dinner. He saw how much it hurt me that him and my parents don't really get along. So I call my mom up right and I ask her to come over for dinner. Well she is really hesitant at first not wanting to go anywhere without my daddy. Well finally she decides to come over and my dad won't make it because he is at a softball practice with some coworkers. Anyway so she brings over my sister my son (whom she picked up from daycare for me) my dog resq and my friend Austin. Shaina, carter and I all got in the pool while waiting for dinner to finish and everyone else is just talking. It takes awhile for it to warm up right? Less then 20 minutes later we are all outside on the patio talking eating and just hanging out. My dad showed up for about 30 minutes around ten thirty and my brother was there around ten. I really honestly think everything went well. I hope this is a new beginning for all. BTW that all happened yesterday. I just think things are going to start turning around for everyone now. It will be healthy for all of us. TS


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